Wednesday, November 18, 2009

playing computer is good

gasp.shack day. seriously, lower primary kids are horrors. They have an attention span of 5 seconds or something. took them for PE today.. omg just let them run lol. shout also must shout for like 1 minute then they start doing what i say.

anyway, something i saw in school:


lol! im burning so much calories just sitting here and playing WoW! let's see.. i've been playing since i got back which was 2.15pm. one hour .. i've burnt 70k calories with my ACTIVE LIFESTYLE!!

ok maybe i'm doing it wrong, i have to do it like the girl in the picture. Yknow, holding the laptop with one hand and typing with the other. Must be quite strenous on the biceps. And i have to hold it sideways too? so that it stretches the outer muscles or something?

alright, i'm off to burn more calories.
